October 2023 Challenge Results

Getting around

Description The main subject of the image must be a man-made means of moving objects from one place to another such as trikes, bikes, cars, trains, boats, planes, rickshaws, etc.
Off Topic Pure human or animal modes of transportation are off topic (e.g. a human carrying a child). Humans or animals, however, can be powering the man-made mode of transportation such as a bicycle or horse drawn wagon.
Images From All archived images

Winning Images

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Award of Excellence – Marianne Pethke


Level 1 Members

1st Place:  Nicholas Ingold
2nd Place:  Rosie Grigaitis

3rd Place:  Roger Regimbal


Level 2 Members

1st Place:  Chris Taylor
2nd Place:  Yoline Joseph-Hoskin

3rd Place:  Lynda Buske